R&Sie...architects. Spoiled Climate


Edited by Andreas Ruby and Benoît Durandin,
Birkhäuser, Basel, 2004,
160 p., 20 x 27 cm, English, ISBN 3-7643-0128-7


Designed by French graphic artists M/M and edited by Andreas Ruby and Benoît Durandin, this book offers an unusal introduction to the work of French Architects François Roche and Stéphanie Lavaux and their office R&Sie... Unlike normal architectural monographs it foregrounds the conceptual resources of the architects. It stands out by a disciplined use of mostly small-size images and almost completely renounces on descriptive project texts. The reader of the book cannot readily consume the work in merely visual way, but has to work his way through its manifold layers in order to make sense of it.


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